Notes: John Cleese on Creativity --------- Creativity is not a talent. It is a way of operating. Creativity is not an ability you either have or do not have. It is unrelated to IQ. Creative people in a child like mood, can play with ideas for their own sake, not for immediate practical purposes. People operate/function in two modes: * Open * Closed Creativity is not possible in the close mode. Closed mode, is the mode we are in most of the time when we're at work. Slightly anxious mode. We are impatient. Is has a little tension. Not much humor. Purposeful. By contrast, the open mode is relaxed, expansive, less purposeful, more contemplative, more inclined to humor, more playful. We need to be in the open mode when we're pondering a problem, but once we've come up with a solution, we must switch to the closed mode to implement it. Once we've made a decision, we are efficient only if we go through with it, decisively, undistracted by doubts about its correctness. We should narrow our focus when we implement our decision, and once it's been carried out, we should switch back to open mode to review the feedback arising from our actions in order to decide what works, then closed mode again and so on. The creative loop. ## Creative loop Open Mode (Generate ideas) -> Closed Mode (Implement them) -> Open (Feedback on Implementation. Improve. Generate new ideas) -> Closed (Implement the improvements) -> Open again (Analyze. Get feedback on the implementation of the improvements) There are certain conditions that make it more likely that you'll get into the open mode. To get into the open mode you need 5 things: 1. Space 2. Time 3. Time 4. Confidence 5. Humor ### 1. Space You can't become playful and therefore creative, if you are under your usual pressures. You need to seal yourself off, get away from the usual demands. So, silence your phone, tell you secretary to don't bother you unless there is a fire in the building, stop browsing the INTERNET. You need to create a space where the only thing you'll do, will be thinking, undisturbed by anything or anyone. ### 2. Time (how long will our space last) You need to create your space for a specific period of time. You need to know your time will last until say 1:30 then at that moment your normal life will resume again. You need to play for a specific period of time. *We create an oasis of quiet for ourselves by setting boundaries of space and time.* And we also need to allow your mind to quiet down. It takes time for our mind to quiet down. So allow yourself 1.5 hours. 30 minute to get into the open mode, then 1h left for operating in that mode and be playful. BTW, it is better to set 1.5 hours now and 1.5 hrs later, than to have a 3 hrs session. After 1.5 hrs you need a break. ### 3. Time (to tolerate anxiety when we haven't solved the problem) We need time stick at a problem, such that we can come up with something more original. We should be prepared to stick with a problem longer. Research has shown that the most creative professionals play with the problem for much longer before they try to resolve it. They are prepared to tolerate that slight discomfort and anxiety that we experience when we've not solved a problem; that internal agitation that make us uncomfortable. If you put more pondering time, the solutions will be more creative. Some people tend to decide quickly and confidently, but this can strangle creativity. Don't just make a decision quickly, ask yourself what the deadline is and give yourself *maximum* pondering time, so you can come with the most creative solution. ### 4. Confidence (to not worry about mistakes. to be playful.) In the space-time oasis you cannot fear to make mistakes. You need to be playful. What if I do this. What if I do that. You need to be open to anything that might happen. Whatever happens is OK. You need to be free to play. Risk saying illogical, silly or things that are wrong. There should be no such thing as a mistake. ### 5. Humor (to allow) Humor gets us into the open mode quicker than anything else. And you can bring humor when you are dealing with very serious issues. It doesn't have to be taboo. John Cleese says the greatest 2 memorial services he's attended had bits of humor. Humor is an essential part of spontaneity, and an essential part of playfulness, and an essential part of creativity. So remember, you can giggle all you want in your little space-time oasis. *So remember the requirements for a creative session: * Space - Time - Time - Confidence - Humor ### Creativity when more people are involved It's easier to be creative if you have other people to play with. Two or more can throw ideas back and forth. There is a danger however: if one person makes you defensive, then you lose confidence and goodbye creativity. Never say anything negative, or I don't like that. Be positive. Build on what's been said. I didn't quite get that. Can you explain that. And things like these. ### Creativity is like humor In a joke the laugh comes at a moment when you connect two different frameworks of reference in a novel way. Connecting two separate ideas in a way that generates new meaning. Generate random juxtapositions such that generate new meaning, and use your intuition which one is interesting. Now you will also create juxtaposition that is of no use. That's OK. Lateral thinking (solving problems through an indirect and creative approach). ### How do destroy creativity in an organization * Allow subordinates no humor. Treat all humor frivolous or subversive. * Don't miss an opportunity to undermine your subordinates' confidence, especially when you give feedback. Only criticize. * Demand that people be always actively doing things. Starve them of thinking time because it leads to creativity. Accuse them of laziness or indecision when they think to much. * Establish a permanent atmosphere of stress, anxiety and crisis. Keep the closed mode. Don't allow creative people in an organization or otherwise you'll never be able to control them ever again.